Back to School 2025

How is it back to school time already?!

Things are starting to return to normal after the excitement and chaos of the holiday season, and before you know it, you'll be back to school for another year! We know all too well how stressful and confusing it can be to prepare for the school year ahead, regardless of whether you're a teacher or student. Just trying to figure out what gear you need - the textbooks, the binders, the stylish adhesive contact, not to mention all the different kinds of pens that are out there these days, it's all a bit much to bear!

Thankfully, we're here to lend a helping hand. Whether you're going to be learning a musical instrument in 2025 or you have the immense privilege of teaching music, either in private tuition or the classroom, we are here to help you get ready for the new year and to make your preparation as simple and straight forward as possible.

The right gear can mean the difference between just 'getting through class' and fostering excitement and enjoyment that results in a lifelong passion for music. With that in mind, we have put our heads together and developed this Back To School guide - a curated list of instruments and accessories geared towards creating the best possible learning experience for anyone looking to teach or learn music this year. Whether your chosen field is classical or contemporary music, there's something here to help everyone start their school year with the right fit.

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